action mt fd status informs libcurl about event on the specified socket.
action mt fd status
perform pending data transfers (if any) on all handles currently in multi stack (not recommended, Curl.Multi.action should be used instead)
inform libcurl that timeout occured
add handle to multi stack
destroy multi handle (all transfers are stopped, but individual Curl.t handles can be reused)
create new multi stack
same as int_of_curlCode
flags set the new state, ie to unpause - pass empty list
perform pending data transfers (if any) on all handles currently in multi stack
poll till there are some active data transfers on multi stack.
remove handle from multi stack (effectively halting the transfer)
remove finished handle from the multi stack if any.
Reset t to the default state
callback returns whether transfer should be interrupted, ie return false to continue transfering
current implementation is faulty ref val set_closesocketfunction : t -> (Unix.file_descr -> unit) -> unit
readfunction n should return string of length at most n, otherwise transfer will be aborted (as if with exception)
readfunction n
set_resolve t add del adjusts builtin dns mapping
set_resolve t add del
set the function to receive notifications on what socket events are currently interesting for libcurl on the specified socket handle
set the function to receive notification when libcurl internal timeout changes, timeout value is in milliseconds
timeout mt polls multi handle for timeout (not recommended, use Curl.Multi.set_timer_function instead).
timeout mt
wait till there are some active data transfers on multi stack